Military Soap - Exclusive representation for the Czech and Slovak Republics

The Polish brand Military Soap has one essential product in its range that lives up to its name. This is because it is a manufacturer of a special soap that can clean the user's hair and skin of heavy metals. So it is suitable for shooters, for example.

Risk of heavy metal poisoning

Heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium or mercury, pose a major risk. Their effects in the body add up. If you are regularly exposed to such heavy metals—either because of your profession or because of your hobby—it is advisable to defend yourself effectively against them.

Which groups are most at risk? Of course, those people who work directly in the environment with heavy metals. They come into contact with these dangerous substances every day. These are, for example, the following groups of workers:

  • workers in the chemical industry
  • workers in the paper industry
  • workers in the glass industry
  • fertilizer production workers
  • workers coming into contact with asbestos
  • shooters, range workers and instructors

It is the last group that most often comes into contact with lead, and if you do not wash yourself from lead in time and thoroughly, you are at a higher risk of health complications related to the accumulation of lead in the body. The most endangered organs in this case are the liver and kidneys. However, heavy metals also have a negative effect on the brain and nervous system, heart and blood vessels or the child in the body of a pregnant mother.

The Military Soap

As already mentioned, the Military Soap company produces a soap of the same name with a special formula. This is a specialized liquid soap for hands, body and hair, which removes heavy metals from the hair and the surface of the skin really gently and at the same time effectively. The innovative formula of the soap includes a moisturizing component that pleasantly nourishes the skin and at the same time prevents the feeling of dry skin. The prevention of complications caused by heavy metals should definitely not be underestimated.

Mýdlo Military Soap

Jak již bylo řečeno, vyrábí společnost Military Soap stejnojmenné mýdlo se speciální recepturou. Jedná se o specializované tekuté mýdlo na ruce, tělo a vlasy, které těžké kovy z vlasů a povrchu pokožky odstraňuje opravdu šetrně a zároveň účinně. Inovativní receptura mýdla zahrnuje hydratační složku, která příjemně vyživuje pokožku a současně zabraňuje pocitu suché kůže. Prevenci komplikací způsobených těžkými kovy rozhodně netřeba podceňovat.

Mýdlo Military Soap
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